Senin, 23 April 2018
sustav (INVOX FINANCE) nagradit će kupce i prodavatelje s Invox Tokenima kako bi provjerio i platio račune.
Platforma Invox Finance: je decentralizirana distribuirana kreditna platforma koja će omogućiti trgovcima, kupcima, špekulantima i drugim specijaliziranim organizacijama da posebno povezuju, surađuju, dijele i podatke po potrebi. Platforma planira stvoriti tajnoviti uvjet poticanjem iskrenosti između stranaka i nadoknadom izvršenja. Ova platforma će poremetiti i reformirati financiranje prihvaćanja podataka izvršavanjem okvira u kojem se povjerenje i iskrenost svih sastanaka generira kroz neuredan darovni okvir. Osim toga, izvršavanje razmjene i tokova podataka neće biti podložno jedinstvenom, integriranom pojedinačnom specijaliziranom društvu, ali se upravlja standardnim izravnim aranžmanima koji se primjenjuju na potpuno raspodijeljenim bilješkama.
INVOX FINANCE : je platforma koja donosi transparentnost konceptu financiranja fakturiranja. To je decentralizirana platforma za kredite od peer-to-peer računa koja će omogućiti prodavačima, kupcima, investitorima i drugim davateljima usluga da rade izravno jedni s drugima kako bi financirali račune. Platforma je izgrađena pomoću tehnologije Blockchain koja ga čini prozirnim i bez papira. Ne samo da donosi otvorenost, već također dolazi s velikim značajkama koje čine financiranje računa manje riskantno i profitabilnije za sve uključene strane. Platforma ima za cilj stvoriti okruženje međusobnog povjerenja olakšavajući transparentnost između stranaka i zadovoljavajućim performansama.
Ova će platforma poremetiti i revolucionirati tradicionalno financiranje faktura primjenom sustava u kojem se povjerenje i transparentnost između svih stranaka razvijaju kroz sustav nagrađivanja koji sadrži. Osim toga, implementacija transakcija i protok informacija neće ovisiti o jednom centraliziranom pružatelju usluga, nego će upravljati skupom transparentnih pravila implementiranih na potpuno distribuiranu knjigu. Dakle, umjesto izvršavanja transakcija ovisi o centraliziranom pružatelju usluga treće strane, knjiga se distribuira, osigurat će transakciju jasnu i sigurnu informaciju.
Postoje mnoge pogodnosti za korištenje takvog sustava stvorenog od Invoxa. Decentralizirana priroda olakšava kupcima, prodavačima i investitorima interakciju, dijeljenje i povezivanje. Platforme bi trebale omogućiti niže stope financiranja za prodavatelje u usporedbi s tradicionalnim metodama. Također će omogućiti izravan i jednostavan pristup ulagačima. Ova vrsta ulaganja obično je dostupna samo velikim bankama ili financijskim tvrtkama. Platforma će ga otvoriti mnogim novim ulagačima koji to možda žele dodati u svoj portfelj. Invox također ima sposobnost integriranja API-ja za pružatelje aplikacijskih usluga trećih strana kao što je provjera identiteta.
Invox model financiranja
Planiramo prekinuti i revolucionirati tradicionalnu financijsku industriju fakturiranja implementacijom globalne distribuirane platforme peer-to-peer kredita nazvanih Invox Finance Platform. Ova platforma u potpunosti će ukloniti potrebu za uključivanjem financijera povezivanjem tvrtki koje žele ubrzati njihov novčani tijek kroz prodaju svojih računa ("prodavači") izravno s investitorima koji žele financirati ovu fakturu.
Invox Finance Difference
Decentralizirana platforma
Izravni pristup investitorima
Niže stope za prodavatelje
Novi način da se investitori razvije
Pregled platforme
Pregled financijskog sustava Invox sastojat će se od sljedećeg
Automatski ugovor za dinamički račun
Smart zajam ugovor
Korisnički pristup i obrada središta
Integracija bankovnih API-ja
Upotreba Invox Tokena
omogućavajući pristup platformi putem programa Trusted Members
Nagrađivanje se obavlja za platformu. To jest, sustav
nagradit će kupce i prodavatelje s Invox tokenima za fakturiranje
potvrđivanje, plaćanje računa i namirenje.
Invox Tokeni će biti generirani u glavnoj knjizi pomoću ERC-20 standarda i imat će sljedeće alate -
Omogućit će pristup Invox Finance Platformu za prodavatelje. To jest, svaki će Prodavatelj morati platiti određeni broj Invox Tokena svake godine kako bi dobio pristup platformi i nagraditi posao koji je izvršen za tu platformu. To znači da će sustav nagraditi kupce i prodavatelje s Invox Tokenima za provjeru i plaćanje faktura.
Vrijednost token 1 INVOX = 0,0001 ETH
Max Cap 20.000 ETH ~ 17 milijuna dolara USD¹
Minimalni iznos primarne prodaje ETH 0,1
Pre-prodaja Max Cap 2.941 ETH ~ 2,5 milijuna dolara USD¹
Najmanji iznos pre-prodaja ETH 1.0
Dodjela sredstava
Invox trenutačno ima 2 ICO pozornicu, tj. Pred-prodaju i glavnu prodaju.
Trenutno je prodaja prije prodaje.
Glavna prodaja počinje 15. travnja.
ANN Tema:
Bounty Thread:
AUTOR: rose gold
MOJ BITT:;u=1847866
ADDRESS WALLET: 0x6A8eeb93147c62ECa5A1CCB4d1c95252A16D0DC6
Rabu, 18 April 2018
Advantages of the project in the crypto industry from other projects in the field of the multifunctional Platfom digital ecosystem.
Advantages of the project in the crypto industry from other projects in the field of the multifunctional Platfom digital ecosystem.:
Most recently, most innovative projects are aimed at facilitating and enhancing the lives of holders and active users of dungeons. Another start-up is the platform, a multifunctional digital ecosystem to provide services in the field of crypto industry: exchange, investment, asset management, transfer and so on.
The main purpose of the existence of such services is the development, promotion and optimization of the financial platform, which will be based on cryptographic principles. These resource developers promise their clients access to simple exchanges, transfers, financial management and loans in the basement. More details - on.
Features of the crypto-exchange platform
The service developer is trying to introduce a convenient and convenient crypto-currency service to the market through which it is possible to perform various crypto-currency behavior actions (exchanges, transfers, settlements between individuals, legal partners and projects). The basis of the platform is the Ethereum block system, the main programming language is Python.
Each platform user will be able to choose the optimal service pack, including:
loans, unsecured and guaranteed;
long term investment;
leveling risks associated with fluctuations in the level of crypto currency assets;
financial transactions and guarantee management;
payment for trading services through platforms such as Amazon or eBay;
transfers money with Fiat, including the issuance of virtual cards with support for crypto assets.
Service developers identify forces such as multicurrency and high-speed fiat operations. As for multicurrency, the eCoinomic platform will accept not only BTC, ETH, LCH, BCH, but also crypto currency from TOP-10, providing loans in EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, JPY, CNY. The speed of performing fiat operations will be provided by the built-in payment agent.
In addition, the platform will operate a price control system that focuses on multiple crypto currency sources. The principle of transparency and security will be provided by smart contracts governing the process of return, liquidation or blocking of collateral assets.
Also on the eCoinomic platform will operate an insurance reserve fund, increasing its investment attractiveness. To test functionality and service capabilities, the project team will release alpha versions for testing, which will be available soon after the token.
In fact, the target audience of this new project is huge. They may be interested in individual crypt holders who buy them for medium and long term investments, miners, those who receive payments for their services in digital assets, as well as start-ups, projects and funds that require short-term financial assets.
How eCoinomic works
Starting cooperation with eCoinomic is quite simple, first you need to decide for which destination you will be using the platform. For example, you want to place a deposit and get on it. First, you sign a contract with the platform and through an identification procedure - KYC or AML. After that, place the deposit in the fiat, after agreeing the conditions for the interest rate.
Then eCoinomic goes into the game: it finds the customer who wants to receive the loan (thus, if you sign up for the service with the intent to obtain the loan, then you form another app), prepare the transaction, perform and control all their payments, amount and timeliness .
All relationships between borrowers and lenders are governed by smart contracts, no human participation, all transparent and unbiased. In addition, in intelligent contracts, the algorithm for monitoring some crypto instruments is determined. Therefore, in case of asset depreciation, the borrower is given the opportunity to:
exchange assets;
agree to liquidate some of the loan repayment guarantee;
to close the credit line ahead of schedule.
The lender gets his money back with interest.
The role and function of the platform token
The eCoinomic internal currency will be the CNC utility's token ERC20 token format, based on Ethereal blockbuster. The main mission of the CNC token is to serve as a form of payment for commissions on the digital eCoinomic platform-digital currency exchange. The first thing you need to do to get started is to sign up for a service: create a personal account with a balance to transfer tokens. They can be obtained during ICO, redeemed by crypto-birzhe or bought at a fixed price on the platform itself (at system prices, not market prices).
It has been announced that the token price on the platform will start from $ 1, further fluctuations associated with the level of service fees, its development, promotion and popularization.
ICO of the eCoinomic Project and its Bounty Campaign
The project's tokenseal will take place in several stages: preliminary sale and the main round, which in turn is divided into several sub-stages. Pre-sail will be held from March 15 to April 30, 2018, the main round of sale - from May 1 to June 1, 2018. 80% of tokens will be allocated for public sale, 14% - reward to the founders and partners of the project, 6% to the project advisers. In quantitative terms this is:
75 000 000 tokens - for the preliminary stage of sale;
1 028 528 529 - for the main round of the token;
193 117 492 - the founders and partners;
82 764 640 - to the advisers.
The most favorable price is expected for the participants of the preliminary stage of the ICO - 0,01 USD for 1 CNC, but the minimal contribution for participation in this stage is not much more - 1500 USD, the identification procedure is mandatory. Tokens sold during the pre-sale round will either be frozen for 5 months after the expiration of the ICO, or bought by the project team at 0.02 USD. Possible payment methods: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, DASH, XMR, BTG, ETC, NEO.
The price and the amount of the minimum contribution for the main round of the token will be different: 0.05 USD and 200 USD, respectively. At this stage, they provide their bonuses, depending on the amount of the fee. The minimum investment objective of the project is 9 000 000 USD, the maximum - 35 000 000 USD. Tokensale will continue until the upper limit is reached or until June 1, 2018. All unsold tokens will be burned by a smart contract.
According to the calculations of the project team, the minimum investment amount of USD 9 million is needed to cover the costs associated with the launch of the project. The next 13 million are needed to create an insurance fund that increases the investment attractiveness of the project, another 13 million will create an operational fund to launch the credit system and ensure the future development of the platform.
Distribution of funds collected during the Pre-Sale:
56% - marketing costs, launch of the alpha version;
22% - research and development for the platform;
22% - legal and organizational costs.
Distribution of funds collected during the main ICO:
37% will be operating and insurance funds;
12% - development;
9% - marketing;
2% - technical security audit;
2% - legal support;
1% - operating expenses.
For those who want to participate in the bounty campaign of the project: it started in February, and you can join it now. The bounty fund is 1% of the volume of tokens allocated for Pre-Sale and ICO. All bonuses to members of the bounty will be paid in CNC tokens, in the following proportions:
Facebook campaign - 25%;
Twitter campaign - 20%;
content-campaign - 20%;
translation campaign - 20%;
Subscriptions to Bitcointalk - 15%.
Conclusion: The eCoinomic platform offers a lot of useful and necessary tools for the crypt owners, but as far as they correspond to the declared parameters - we will find out after the alpha release, which, fortunately, is just around the corner. The very idea of creating a multifunctional crypto-exchange service is not new, but some of the proposed functions are worthy of attention. The technical documentation and the project site are quite indicative.
We apologize for any shortcomings in writing information, and for more information, please visit the following website
Social contact:
rose gold
MYETHERWALLET Address: 0x6A8eeb93147c62ECa5A1CCB4d1c95252A16D0DC6
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