Minggu, 14 Juli 2019

[Mycro] - Mobile search portal for placement of job offers and job seekers.


In this new world, part-time work has become a continuing trend among job seekers given the possibility of accepting temporary employment or working on a contract basis. Even those who have little paid work experience can concentrate on their strongest skills and find announcements where they are needed. In this context, everyone can act as an employer because they have simple job duties related to home services, shipping, tutoring, repair work, etc.

Mycro is a project that aims to develop mobile search portals for job offer placements and job seekers. Mycro will help find job opportunities, find information about potential job tasks, gain access to ranking systems and make mutually beneficial agreements.

Approach to offers and offers to find work

By using Mycro dApp job offers and online profiles can be created and placed. Job seekers will be able to see all scheduled work tasks taken in detail, such as work place and time, and payment terms, such as crypto or fiat prizes. Applicant data, in turn, will contain information about skills, assignments, and recommendations that have been completed previously. Both job seekers and job providers will get access to a reputation system to check their history on the portal.

The position on the list will be affected by the offer. Therefore the ranking will be promoted by a higher bid and only the position listed on the first page will have a big chance to be chosen. Similarly, job duties with the highest wages will be prioritized by job seekers. Like other search engines, Mycro will rank job offers because of their relevance to job seekers, taking into account skills and job requirements. Stakeholders will also be given a bonus by providing recommendations and evaluations about the work they handle. Mycro dApp will be available for Android and iOS.

Now being at mycro is a very sick job and can help your work feel easy to do.
What application is that? yes it's the Mycro Application
What is Mycro?
Mycro can be interpreted as completing work easily.
Do you want to have a clean apartment but can't find the time to do it yourself?
Offer Mycro applications and make sure you are connected quickly with community members who can help you!

Do you want to make money quickly and easily?
Explore the Mycro application and find the job that works best for you. Register now and complete the work you want.

Mycro protocol for connecting people. Through this game change platform, it will open the door to match real-time jobs.

The service that you will get when you open this application is
• Home Services
• Delivery service
• Virtual services
• Skilled services

How to use Mycro Token (MYO)


Shop for work
The method is as follows.


Mycro's success is significantly based on intuitive usability. The need for job providers and job seekers must be met in a fast and uncomplicated way. This happens by matching the right job offer with the right job seeker. Only then did the two parties reach their goals. Good work products for job providers. Fun and tempting work for job seekers.

Why is the Blockchain?
• Use of Fast and Simple
• Trust
• Security
• Low costs

Mycro also has tokens that I will detail below
Token Info

MYO Token Name
Price of 1 MYO = 0.25 EUR
Available bonus
Prizes Available
Platform Ethereum
Accept ETH
Soft cap 3,500,000 EUR
Hard cover 14,000,000 EUR
Mycro's vision is to make it a task for the mycro team to protect life from the most valuable prizes offered to people.

When connecting Mycro to all regardless of origin or any social ranking. Limited time. Mycro also can't take or extend time. In today's world, Mycro's time is mostly externally controlled. Time is controlled by Mycro's work, Mycro customers, and Mycro's social obligations.

Because of this, Mycro believes that everyone in the world has the right to control their own time. This is Mycro's vision to facilitate the work of someone who is busy like him without taking care of his own homework.

For this reason, Mycro will create a balance between time and money. Mycro will also build a decent global peer-to-peer network for simple jobs. where people all over the world have to choose what they do, when and for whom they work and how much time they have.

Mycro's mission is to give everyone access to this opportunity no matter whether they come from a village in Vietnam, suburban Berlin or from Downtown Manhattan.

If you want to join, you can join [Mycro] (https://www.mycrojobs.io)
Glory now, don't let you lose the moment where this application really helps you in making it easier and easier for you to work too.

So you will be able to make things easier when you can work.
And for workers who are busy with their work without ever thinking about cleaning your house. You can use this application to solve problems in your home.

Where the first goal is made and in the form of Mycro is to simplify your work.

Mycro Team and Advisor

Forgive only this which I can explain because of my limitations.

Thank you for reading.

For more information, you can visit the Mycro Website
You can also join the Telegram Group so you can find out every update that is informed.
For those who like bounty, you can also join the Bounty
Or visit the official website below:

name: rose gold
Bitcointalk link:
my ethereum (address):

Senin, 03 Desember 2018

Vena Network — Open Protocol for Tokenized Asset Financing and Exchange

Vena Network - Open Protocol for Asset Financing and Token Exchange.


We can build a decentralized digital asset exchange and exchange network, where everyone can process collateral loans for P2P cryptocurrency and OTC to trade anytime and anywhere, allowing free exchanges between cryptocurrency and fiat currencies.

Network Benefits of Vena:
Helps you realize the decentralized collateral loans and OTC trade from cryptocurrency and fiat currencies.


Multi-chain deployment & cross-chain asset transactions

Distributed jury network works as the main protection mechanism transaction

Vena nodes can profit from establishing nodes based on the Vena protocol

To be applied to fiat-to-cryptocurrency (ETH, BTC, etc.) loan and transactions

The third party is trustworthy intermediary, which is guaranteed by the protocol.

Use Aragon software to realize decentralized management

Vena Node Network:

The main role of the vena network is to promote venous network liquidity, the vena node can use SDK vena to be adjusted and provide users with comprehensive transaction services including but not limited to loans, asset transactions, credit evaluations, contract plug-in contracts, etc. , and make a profit by collecting costs

Certified Vena nodes shall deposit VENA Token as guarantee to a certain percentage in the Vena Foundation

High Liquidity
Certified vena nodes can put orders into a shared liquidity pool, ve can share orders and increase fees by promoting transactions, and improve the liquidity of transactions by economic incentives of profit sharing

Digital assets or locked in smart contracts. Nodes does not hold digital assets of users, thus avoiding the moral hazard platform running away. At the same time, it also greatly reduces the cost of safety required for assets deposits for nodes

Jury Network

Jury's network is implemented to be able to deal with and will deliver results to smart contracts

Juror Application
To join the Jury of  Vena Network, it is needed to firstly submit an application to Vena DAO and provide proof of identity. After the application was approved, it was needed to participate in online training and assessment of the Vena Jury

The full set of arbitration software runs on the infrastructure built by Ethereum and IPFS. Through a simple user interface, the direct and acceptable evidence for both parties and arbitrate

Economic Incentive and Guarantee Deposit
In order to exercise the power properly, the jurors shall deposit a certain amount of the VENA Token in Vena DAO

Exit Mechanism
An exit mechanism will be initiated: A. Jurors volunteer to exit B. Get fined more than 5 times during the contract term C. Vena DAO Committee determines that the juror has obvious misconduct (such as conspiracy to commit fraud)


vena roadmap4.jpg

1. Official launch of white paper & Vena Network website
2. Proof of concept & launch development
3. Community building in countries including the United States of America 、 China 、 Canada 、 Australia 、 Russia 、 etc.

1. Release the official exchange beta version
2. Conduct targeted financing and lending business based on the official beta exchange
3. Open to application for Veins Nodes

1. Open source SDK of Vena Network is available in github
2. Pilot run of official exchange and operation simulation
3. Vena 1.0 release
4. First Vena Node introduction

1. Vena 1.1 release
2. Fully develop the ecosystem, start the city partner program, and introduce 20+ Vena Nodes

1. Vena 2.0 release
2. Accelerate the expansion of global business, Introduce 50+ Vena Nodes

Video of Vena Network




Obtained the highest honorarium of 'Outstanding Student' of the University of UESTC.
Founder of the chainboard.io.
Former technical director of Ice Credit, a famous fintech company.
Previously served as a special technical consultant for several listed companies.

Co-founder and CTO of Hardrole.
Well-experienced blockchain engineer, was a core team member in the Metaverse Blockchain.
In-depth knowledge in the blockchain underlying architecture, DAG network architecture, wallet, exchange, security protection.
Previously in charge of cloud R & D in Hiscene product design and architecture, a famous AI company.

Operation Director
Master in Finance of NTU, bachelor of XMU.
Rich experience in entrepreneurship. Achieved first venture capital exit by founding SATORI. In 2017, stepped in as CEO and sold out shares to SETTING IT in 2018.
Now a leading professional team to provide one-stop in-house operational support to global technology companies, especially blockchain startups.

Founder of Satori, an early developer of Ethereum, a contributor to ENS.
Previoulé was running operation of Beico, an ICO investment agent platform and led development of high-performance exchange.
Majored in computer science and technology in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and co-founded Moregg during university years.
Previously worked on the algorithm of big data and machine learning in Silicon Valley, it was in charge of analysis and operation in Yahoo.

Product Director
Rich experience in Internet industry and previously worked for well-known Internet companies, eg. NetEase, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES), etc. the product she engaged in has more than 100 million users.
Familiar with user analysis of PC and mobile products, good front-end and back-end product design, 2B2C product design, rich experience in project design and data analysis.

Buissness Director
Previously worked as a project manager in CETC, led the whole process of building encrypted platforms and cyber security systems for Armed Police.
In charge of the national cloud computing encrypts the white paper application, the Sichuan Provincial Government Cloud and the Yunnan Cloud project which is worth over 500 million RMB.

Overseas Market Manager
Seven years' experience in business development and project management.
Previously worked as interpreters in meetings including the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting.
Well-experienced in overseas market operations and are engaged in research of blockchain industry.


Yanxi Gu
Chief strategy officer of DAEX and Chairman of the foundation.
MBA of the University of Texas, Master of the University of Notre Dame, Master of University of Science and Technology of China, Bachelor of Shandong University.
Former Deputy CIO of Huatai United Securities and COO of several financial service companies.

Yang Zhao
Shanghai Xinyan Credit Information Service Co., Ltd., an expert in big data risk management COO.
Former VP of ESurfing Credit Information Co., Ltd.

Yongchao Zhai
Writer of "Spring Cloud Microservice Practice".
famous technical blogger, Spring Evangelist of Boot / Spring Cloud, initiator of spring4all community.

Shawn Wang
Former Team Leader of the Cyber ​​Crime Investigation group in Network Security System.
Former Chief Security Officer of one ITFIN company of CITICPE.
Director of Information Security of Fortune Global 500 Company.

Kong Huawei
Director of the Shanghai Branch of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Partner of iStart Capital.
Scientific Consultant to Canaan Information Technologies and Vice President of the International Blockchain Application Association.

SJ Zhang
Eastern European investment and blockchain investors, dropped out of the Master of Strategic Marketing in the Russian Central Bank Economy Institute.
The former advisor of the Sberbank blockchain insurance project and worked as an interpreter in state banquet of the Russian-Chinese Economic and Trade Forum.
Early investor of blockchain projects including Ton, Polkadot, Cindicator, Bibox.

Sameer Ahmed
Vice President of BLVCK DIVMOND, a top-rated Marketing Firm Strategy based in Las Vegas.
Serial entrepreneur, marketing expert and seasoned FX Trader at Wall Street Academy.
Focused on marketing and strategic partnerships.

Jayson Pearson
Rich experience in television, live stage production, and operations management.
Studied political science and economics at Carroll College in Montana and is getting another BS in psychology.

Grant Leingang
President of BLVCK DIVMOND.
Lead Visual Development, Programming & Marketing Analysis.


vaena partners 8.jpg



*****God bless*****

Author user name: [rose gold]
BTT Profile:


Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2018

ZEEX - A simple,intuitive,shopping experience

In cryptocurrency space has a lot of endemic problems, but one of the most persistent is the conversion of crypto into products. Every time a cryptocurrency user wants to actually buy a product, they must navigate the incredible transactional friction to do so, and the vendor also has significant expenses and concerns by accepting cryptocurrency. Even with popular payment methods like Bitpay, fees can be largely due to conversion to fiat currency and partly due to transaction costs.

We all like cryptocurrency but it's hard to use for real life basics like buying coffee at Starbucks, online concert tickets, or shopping on Amazon. Currently the main option is selling on the exchange, converting to fiat and paying for large and attractive trades and withdrawal fees or finding services that allow you to use crypto only with expensive transaction fees. Let's agree that the prospect is rather bleak. Economists call this sad transactional friction. The term includes all costs involved in making a purchase.


Promising (but imperfect) market

Despite its many advantages, fast propagation and revolutionary implications, cryptocurrency suffers some significant losses. The first of these is the lack of fungibility: cryptocurrency has not been easily converted into goods and services that people really want.

Conversely, gift cards and vouchers, for example, are ready to be converted into goods and services. Indeed, that's their main goal. However, some losses also affect these vouchers, such as difficult transfers between holders due to the high risk of multiple expenses, and the demand for gift cards exceeds supply.

Here, we describe this currency and the friction involved in changing them, the Zeex Protocol solves this problem by linking cryptocurrency with corporate currency. Because corporate currency is not technically money, we can exchange it for cryptocurrency without going through fiat by using ZIX ERC20 tokens as collateral to verify transactions in real-time and eliminate costs, Zeex can and will solve problems quickly, efficiently and elegantly.

Here at Zeex, we have built a platform that allows you to use your crypto to buy goods without paying fees or changing to Fiat. Instead of rediscovering the wheel that composes ways to pay for items with cryptocurrency, Zeex decides to work with vendors using the currency they know best, a gift card. Yes, gift cards, even though we call them corporate currencies.

Zeex advantages

To realize its vision of revolutionizing trade by combining cryptocurrency with daily consumption, Zeex has formulated three concrete and successive visions, namely: Tap, Engage and Disrupt.

The beat refers to overcoming what might be the biggest obstacle to the widespread adoption and use of cryptocurrency - finally - turning cryptocurrency into a payment method for everyday goods and services. He did it by making cryptocurrency seamless and easily converted into gift cards and retail vouchers with the Zeex protocol. This solution brings cryptocurrency into the real economy and paves the way for direct payments through cryptocurrency.

Engaging involves integrating Zeex into the user's daily crypto wallet. After they can spend crypto as easily as other payment methods, the community will feel at home and feel comfortable. Attending vendor needs as well, Zeex offers exclusive fraud protection technology. Zeex also offers vendors the benefits they can find elsewhere with the same quality and quantity: data about how cryptocurrency holders shop and shop.

The final step is annoying, which in this case means bringing your own gift card to the blockchain. Given that the gift card applies only to other types of currencies - one vendor publishes it themselves - blockchain technology can change its use and distribution as is done with fiat currency. Disrupting means not only giving crypto holder access to the consumer market, but also giving vendors direct access to their customers who hold crypto.

To realize this vision, Zeex refers to a number of assets. Vitally, Zeex is the twin company of Zeek Group, the leading market in Europe for buying and selling gift cards, which maintains close relationships with brand-name retailers and has grown tenfold over the past two years. Collaboration with Zeek guarantees access to high demand inventory for early token buyers thanks to Zeek's commitment to millions of dollars worth of gift cards that make tokens immediately converted. Furthermore, the same leadership team that launched Zeek as a successful venture also developed Zeex, and Zeex has also done so securing stable funding from leading VC supporters and has developed a native application palette scheduled for fast availability on various platforms.

The core element of the Zeex solution is the ZIX token, which serves three main functions. First, the token functions as a login method, unlocking the door to the Zeex platform. Second, it is sufficient to determine who can do what and when types of transactions based on the advertised discount rates and offers. Third, this includes the transactional risk of the user until the trade is completed, eliminating the intermediary. These functions operate automatically thanks to the smart contract conditions embedded in the Zeex protocol.

Token utilities

Zeex will offer ZIX token owners a lifetime priority for the company's currency discounted above other users, based on an offer catalog

Among other utilities, ZIX token owners will have the right to:

Priority - When there is more demand than a supply of highly desirable assets, the owner of the Zix token will have priority over other users to secure the asset.
Pledge-owned Zix tokens do not have to wait long for transactions to be deleted, their tokens will be used as collateral to ensure immediate settlement.
Login-owner of the Zix token will have the ability to log into Zeex safely and anonymously use their token.

Soft Cap: 14M USD

Hard Cap: 23M USD

Cost: 1ETH = 5,000ZIX

Token Sale date: Q3 / 2018

Minimum contribution amount: 100 USD in ETH

Token contract address: https://github.com/Zeexme/Crowdsale/tree/master/contracts

Token Allocation & Usage Allocation



To find more information about Zeex, visit the link below:

Website: https://www.zeex.me/

Whitepaper: https://storage.googleapis.com/www.zeex.me/zeex-whitepaper.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3109781.0

Telegram: https://t.me/zeexme

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Zeex_me

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zeex-191553494772405/

Written Article By: rose gold

btt profile:


Rabu, 08 Agustus 2018

(Rubius) - gives freedom of privacy for those who prefer anonymity.

Today ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is an effort or event carried out to get project development funds in development. By using the ICO, funds will be obtained and the project will run smoothly. The ICO will offer tokens to investors who invest their funds. The given token will be given the initial sales price in accordance with the Token. Tokens can be sold in the cryptocurrency market like bitcoin.
To be able to find out information about bitcoin, we certainly need a friend. on this occasion I will discuss advanced applications. Where the application was developed to allow users to connect with friends directly is Rubius.

The Rubius startup tool is used to develop Aryl, software can be used, and payment platforms. Aryl allows users to send, receive, or request payments in their chosen currency. This includes a decentralized Ethereum wallet, which supports thousands of cryptocurrency. Can be used with Aryl Ethereum which can provide and allow users to access centralized crypto called Rubiex, where they can buy, sell, and trade selected cryptocurrency currencies. Aryl is basically a Venmo of cryptocurrency, because it also includes aspects of social media, which allow users to connect with friends directly in the application. But, it also gives freedom of privacy for those who prefer anonymity. To finance the development of the Aryl Rubiex application and exchange, we have an initial coin offering. They offer their own cryptocurrency called Rubius (ticker symbol: RUBY). RUBY is a smart cryptocurrency scripting platform that operates on Ethereum (scripting).
The main goal is to make Aryl and blockchain cryptocurrency technology more accessible and easy to use. Like any new technology, it will take cryptocurrency and blockchain some time to get along with the general public. they want to simplify the process with Aryl, open source, iOS Ethereum wallet, and payment applications. This makes cryptocurrency easier to obtain, and also security stability in an unstable market using its own SWITCH. To help them achieve their goals, the application will display an intuitive layout. Aryl shows a decentralized Ethereum wallet, which supports thousands of cryptocurrency2. Users will also have access to our centralized crypto, called Rubiex. By registering with Rubiex, users can buy, sell, and trade the Aryl cryptocurrency option directly from the application.


Send, receive and request
In the Aryl application, users have the ability to send, receive, or request token payments in Aether, or Fiat, Ethereum, making it useful for traditional transactions in currencies and cryptocurrency.
Wallet Functionality
Aryl provides users with many features, such as creating a decentralized Ethereal wallet (a key pair for this wallet is stored locally on your iOS device), the balance of the Aether and Ethereum tokens, and can change the password wallet
Use of In-iMessage
Users will be able to send and request payments directly from their iMessage conversation. If the user sends or requests payment from a contact who does not have Aryl, the contact will be asked to register with Aryl to complete the transaction.
Connect with friends
The home screen displays all current events (i.e., requests, payments,
event, etc.) from a user's friend. These friends will collect directly from the contact person or social media account (ie Facebook).
Aryl's Switches feature reduces the risk of using cryptocurrency with users saving money in safer currencies, and then automatically MOVE them into their chosen cryptocurrency when they send payments. For example, they can receive payments in Ether and then link payments to U.s. dollars to save him. If they want to send money in Ether, they can transfer dollars to Aether for transactions.
Exchange Features (Rubiex)
Users will also be able to redeem their tokens for their chosen fiat currency. To use Exchange, they will ask users to register remote applications with rubix to provide additional KYC information (know your customers) to prevent money laundering and fraud.
User interface

Token Info
Name: Rubius
Token: RUBY
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Crowd's total sales: 210,000,000
The amount of coins issued: 300,000,000
Price: 1 ETH = 7000 RUBY

Token Allocation
The total supply of RUBY tokens is three hundred million (300,000,000 RUBY), of which 70% will be allocated to the ICO. With the remaining portion, the project has allocated 5% for the prize program, 10% for the founding team, 3% for its advisors, and 12% will be retained as a reserve either for partnership offers or exchange lists.



For more information, you can visit the LINK below:

rose gold
PROFILE Username:

Senin, 06 Agustus 2018

WeiDex je první svého druhu a nabízí 20% obchodních poplatků.


Zatím se výzvy v oblasti výmene kryptoobchodů stávají velkým překážkou průmyslového růstu a to ukazuje důvod, proč nebyly dosud na celosvětové úrovni přijaty trhy. Špatná likvidita, špatná regulace trhu, dlouhý proces souladu a komplikovaná integrace jsou některé z dalších problémů, které zasahují do kryptocurrency.

Jednoduché vyhledání výrazu "obchodování s kryptoobchodem" na Googlu produkuje více než 25 milionů výsledků. To je jistá indikace toho, že předmět kryptokomunikace pokračuje na trh s jiskřivou jiskrou, téměř deset let po jeho objevu. Nicméně, navzdory všemu nadšení, nástroje Crypto výměny se objevily jako nástroje k tomu, aby získaly prospěch z vlastnictví kryptových aktiv, avšak nejsou bez pasti. Exchange, jako centralizovaný prodejní místo, je neslučitelná s myšlenkou decentralizovaného finančního systému: jsou to bod selhání, ale to není jediný problém.

WeiDex, který se nachází na adrese https://weidex.market/, je plnohodnotná decentralizovaná výměnná adresa pro vyřešení výše uvedených problémů. WeiDex usiluje o to, aby byl trh s kryptoobchodem jednodušší, bezpečnější a levnější pro spotřebitele trhu s kryptografickými měnami. WeiDex bude zabezpečená platforma služeb escrow, která uživatelům umožňuje provádět transakce bezpečně. Obchodní model společnosti WeiDex má umožnit uživatelům snadno nakupovat, prodávat nebo vyměňovat kryptoobchod bez zprostředkovatelů.

Veškerá logika se řídí inteligentními smlouvami. Proto jsou jen velmi málo pravděpodobné pouze uživatelé, kteří mají tendenci ovládat svůj majetek tak, aby došlo k lidské chybě. WeiDex podporuje všechny žetony založené na technologii Ethereum a na konci roku bude WeiDex podporovat také žetony založené na neo.

Společnost WeiDex uvedla, že platforma bude mít výhody centralizované a decentralizované výměny. Výměny jsou však centrálně známé díky snadnému používání, snadné dostupnosti (dostupnosti) a průhlednosti. Jako decentralizovaná výměna má společnost WeiDex také výhody ve srovnání s jinými decentralizovanými burzami, včetně:

. Referral System Program: WeiDex je první svého druhu, nabízející 20% obchodních nákladů. Čím více uživatelů pozvete, tím více bonusů, které obdržíte.

. Nízká cena: WeiDex je vyvíjen v blokové síti, která je velmi rychlá a efektivní. Díky tomu bude transakce na platformě efektivní a efektivní.

. Více plnění objednávek: Uživatelé mohou nastavit počet objednávek a inteligentní smluvní platforma zajistí, že za účelem plnění vaší žádosti provede tolik transakcí, kolik potřebuje, zatímco je účtován pouze za jednu transakci.

. Airdrop: Program Airdrop se vyskytne jednou měsíčně a ovlivní každou jedinečnou adresu, která splňuje podmínky objemu obchodování. Maximální počet žetonů, které lze přijmout pro každou jedinečnou adresu, je až 250 WDX pro prvních 20 000 uživatelů, kteří splňují požadavky na objem obchodování pro airdrop.

. Trans-Chain Transactions: Jedná se o nejmodernější technologii na platformě výměny kryptoformality. Prostřednictvím transakcí s křížovým řetězcem WeiDex sjednotí různé typy blokových řetězců (např. Ethereum a Neo) na stejné platformě.

Startovací společnosti vydávají žetony s kryptocurmentem (symbol: WDX). WDX tokeny mají zvláštní přístup k integraci ekosystému platformy. WDX Tokeny mohou být použity pro deaktivaci nastavení transakčních poplatků za 50% diskontní sazbu. WDX Unikátním rysem je, že uživatelé budou moci přepínat mezi různými WDX blockchain, tzn. ETH a NEO.

Žetony bude snížena ze standardní ethereum ERC-827 (ERC20 rozšířen). Celková nabídka žetonů je - 50 000 000 WDX. Žetony budou přiděleny následujícím způsobem: Token prodej 60%, tým 15%, 4% poradci, Marketing 10%, 10% výsadek a Bounty Campaign 1%.

Pro více informací o WDX WeiDex a její znamení, můžete navštívit on-line na https://weidex.market/ nebo navštívit whitepaper k dispozici společnosti v https://weidex.market/images/whitepaper.pdf

WeiDex_Decentralized Exchange
více informací:

webové stránky


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Autor: rose gold
Bitcointalk url:

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2018

BLACKBOX BlokChain에 구축 된 작업 네트워크는 차세대 직원을 강화하고 인간의 가치를 향상시킵니다.

미래의 일을 관리하는 분산 네트워크! 블락 체인 (BlokChain)에 구축 된보다 효과적이고 다른 접근 방법은 차세대 직원을 강화하고 인간의 가치를 향상시킵니다.
상호 운용성 : 설계시 동일한 제어 템플릿을 사용하지 않는 시스템 구성원 간의 상호 운용성

• 상금 : 공정한 선물은 수퍼 워크의 참여와 품질에 실제로 영향을 미칩니다.
• 마켓 플레이스 모듈 : BBOS는 다양한 불완전 함을 극복하는 구성 가능한 모듈로 구성된 OS 시스템입니다.

보스 토큰 :
BLACKBOX OS 토큰은 시스템의 교환 및 가치의 일부입니다. 기여자는 작업 계획, 카테고리 및 부서 출석을 설명 할 권한이 있습니다. 영향은 유능한 생태계에서 가치를 지속적으로 시연함으로써 가치 체계를 통해 얻어집니다. 전반적인 인센티브는 발생할 수있는 가능성의 세계와 일치합니다.

행동에 대한 인센티브 제공 :
행동 인센티브는 모든 토큰 소유자가 제공하며 의사 결정, 거버넌스 및 피드백은 합의에 의해 유도됩니다.

무역 기계 :
BBOS 토큰은 계획, 기부 및 토큰 소유자 간 경제적 거래를 창출하는 시스템 간의 교환을 용이하게하는 원동력입니다.

액체 민주주의 :
모든 토큰 소유자는 영향을받는 문제점에 대한 피드백을 제공 할 수있는 완전한 권한을가집니다.

작업 절차 선언의 표준화

DVP 프로토콜은 자유, 정치 및 기타 기존 조직의 대변동을 초래 한 사회 경제적 이유의 영향을받지 않았습니다. BLACKBOX 프로토콜은 정상적인 라인을 허용하는 악의적 인 행동 및 상을 방해합니다. 이를 POV 프로토콜과 결합하여 모든 비즈니스에 대해 계약 및 계약을 제공하고 거래 비용을 없애고 적절한 교체를 보장하기 위해 지불을 촉진하는 지불 시스템을 제공합니다. 이 초기 하위 모듈은 제안 된 DVP 프로토콜을 사용하여 참가자가 추가 한 실제 값과 비 편향 값을 완전히 예측하고 보상합니다.

가치를 측정하는 새로운 기술

• 정확성 : 블록 기술은 할당 된 원장 기술자의 기반으로서 불변성과 완벽 성을 제공합니다. 온 / 오프 체인 스토리지 공간을 통해, 그들은 분산화의 이점을 얻습니다.

• 투명성 : 제안은 BLACKBOX 플랫폼에서 투표되며 경매에 대한 합의가 필요합니다. 내부 구성원과 외부 토큰 소유자 만이 아니라 제안을 통해 피드백을 추가하고 경매되는 것에 소리를 낼 수 있습니다.

• 명확한 기대 : 보상 기간은 제안 기간에 합의됩니다. 투명하고 계량화 할 수있는 이정표와 전문 Conesus를 통해 기존 계획 및 작업 관리 방식보다 큰 이점이 있음을 알 수 있습니다.

ICO 세부 정보 :
• 프리 세일 50 % 보너스 지금 2018 년 7 월 25 일까지
• 토큰 : BBOS
• 토큰 유형 : ERC : 20
• 토큰 가격 : 1 BBOS = $ 0.16
• 수락 : ETH, BTC
총 토큰 공급량 : 1,000,000,000
• 완전 사전 판매 하드 캡 : $ 10,000,000
• 사전 판매시 판매 : 25 % 할인 58,333,333
• 사전 판매시 판매 : 50 % 할인 37,500,000
• 타이밍 25 % 보너스는 2018 년 7 월 25 일부터 2018 년 8 월 3 일까지 또는 최고 한도에 도달 할 때까지 시작됩니다.
• 토큰 목적 BLACKBOX OS 토큰은 BLACKBOX OS 네트워크에 대한 액세스를 제공하며 관리 / 자본 시장을 촉진하면서 내부 통제 메커니즘을 제공합니다

BlackBox 팀

내 개인 의견

이것은 당신에게 좋은 투자입니까? 당신이 AI의 힘을 믿는다면, 그렇습니다. BLACKBOX 네트워크의 제작자는이 섹션의 성공 사례 중 일부에 액세스 할 수 있다는 것을 절대적으로 확신합니다. 인공 지능은이 회사와 BBOS 토큰의 비용뿐 아니라 미래에 많은 것을 증가시키는 경향이 있습니다. BLACKBOX는 좋은 장기 투자가 될 수 있습니다. 왜냐하면이 회사가 투자 수익을 높일 가능성이 높기 때문입니다.하지만 장래에 충분히 기다리면이 회사에 투자하는 것이 더 나을 것입니다.

BlackBox Foundation (BBOS) 정보 :

저자 : rose gold
Profie BTT 사용자 이름 : -
ETH 주소 :

Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

(GEM4ME) - Ova platforma ima svoj vlastiti digitalni wallet koji rješava vaše probleme i probleme kupaca

Pozdrav svima koji danas volim, razmotrit ćemo zanimljiv ICO iz projekta Gem4me Market Space.

postoje razne vrste platformi koje su namijenjene za kupnju ili prodaju raznih vrsta robe. Njihov volumen i dalje raste, ali samo su neki od njih javni i progonjeni.

To se događa s faktorima jedina, među ostalima - neprofesionalni programeri sličnih projekata koje postoje i nedostatak profita koristila nikakav napredak ili krivo tumačenje i organizacije s malim brojem pristalica i sudionika. Svi ovi razlozi za otkazivanje svih izgubljenih pokušaja stvaratelja za razvoj i pokretanje projekta.

Ali danas bi bilo poželjno zaustaviti se na platformi koja ima ime Gem4me na tržištu. Platforma je namijenjena prodaji robe i usluga. Naravno, ništa novo? No, programeri prije nego što su bili uključeni u provedbu projekta, morali su istražiti i otkriti da su sofisticirane mobilne aplikacije koje će odgovarati svim pitanjima koja nisu korisnici čak iu velikim svjetskim organizacijama. Budući da projektni inženjeri imaju iskustva u implementaciji velikih formata glasovnih projekata, imali su dopuštenje da razviju detaljne koncepte novih platformi koje planiraju održivo mjesto među ostalim uspješnim projektima. Zahvaljujući inicijalnom efektivnom povećanju koji ne uključuje visoke troškove, tvrtka će moći privući velik broj korisnika u novi projekt.

Platforma će imati svoj vlastiti digitalni wallet koji rješava vaše probleme i probleme kupaca, a tehnički dopušta i Al nekoliko stupnjeva da odgovaraju procesu automatizacije s financijskim upravljanjem sudionika projekta.

Prednosti projekta

Inherent platforma može razlikovati najznačajnije od glavnih prednosti -

Mogućnost realizacije raznih trgovinskih podova uz upotrebu čavrljača za razgovor.

Mogućnost povratka dijela sredstava za savršenu kupovinu dobara ili usluga.

Mogućnost korištenja digitalne valute za obavljanje uzajamnih naselja.

Pristup detaljnim statističkim podacima potrebnim za trgovinu elektroničkim valutama.

Mogućnost implementacije trgovine izvan zemljopisnih granica.

Mogućnost razvoja velike trgovine sa širokim rasponom roba i usluga i uvođenjem chat brodova za pomoć klijentima.

Mogućnost prilagodbe trgovinskih podova ne samo za realizaciju robe već i za usluge.

Glasnik koji su stvorili razvojni programeri platforme već je dostupan za besplatno preuzimanje. Možete se učitati na svoj način, prikladan za vas i pridružiti se ogromnoj publici sretnih korisnika koji su već testirali ovu aplikaciju i aktivno se koristi. Također će vam omogućiti da se pobrinete za profesionalnost i iskustvo programera.

Iako je platforma apsolutno inovativna, ideja da se više ne naziva nova, ali zbog primjene na temelju tehnologije blokiranja lanca je također nemoguće i postojanje moćnog alata u obliku popularnog glasnika Gem4me Market Space projekt može postati vrlo popularan i tražio.

Razvili su pažljivi rad na analizi uspjeha realizacije nekoliko trgovinskih etaža na temelju kojih bi se moglo zaključiti da nema detaljnih pretpostavki i kvalitativno ostvarene mobilne aplikacije koja bi bila korisna i klijentima i vlasnicima poslovnih subjekata kao rezultat prije njih, ali su se otvorile mogućnosti razvoja sličnog projekta. Cilj im je stvoriti jedinstvenu platformu unutar kojega bi klijenti mogli plaćati stečenu proizvodnju na prikladan način - pomoću elektroničke valute ili fiducijskog novca.

Prilikom razvoja tržišnog prostora najsuvremenije tehnologije među kojima su - chat čamci tehnologija blokiranja tehnologije umjetne inteligencije i mnogi drugi. Unutar projekta ove najnovije tehnologije su se ujedinile skladno s time da su se dodale jedna drugu i samo su pojačale zahvaljujući ovom sindikatu.

Market Space predstavlja globalni trgovački pod koji imaju sigurne jednostavne i pošten uvjete obostrano korisne suradnje u osnovi.

Vrijedno je izdvojiti zasebno projektne komponente koje jamče dobivanje navedenih prednosti -

Automatizacija najpopularnijih poslovnih procesa pomoću chat chata. Sada ne samo pravi zaposlenik, nego i brod koji obavlja veliki broj funkcija među kojima postoji pomoć u potrazi za bilo kakvim proizvodom ili traženje najbliže trgovine s dostupnim robe i mnogim drugim stvarima sposobna je prilagoditi učinkovitost interakcija između klijenta i trgovine.

Primjena tehnologija blockchain pruža potrebnu transparentnost u provođenju platnih operacija i jamči njihovu zaštitu od grubih postupaka ili intervencije stranaca. Blockchain pruža povjerenje klijenata u sigurnost transakcija, osim što čine potrebnu verifikaciju korisnika sustava. Stoga sve što uvijek možete potvrditi činjenicu izvršene uplate za robu ili uslugu. Eskrou platforma znači sustave da će prodavatelj primiti uplatu za savršenu kupnju tek nakon što ga klijent dobije na ruke. Omogućuje izbjegavanje različitih neprilika djelovanja. Osim toga, tehnologija blockchaina omogućuje klijentima da postavljaju odgovore na temelju kojih će se graditi ocjena prodavača kako bi se pokrenuli veći ili manji broj narudžbi. Potiče dobavljače da prodaju samo kvalitativne proizvode ili usluge.

AI tehnologija je sposobna optimizirati znatno upravljanje financijama od klijenata sustava.

Ispada da projekt Gem4me Market Space karakteriziraju sljedeće osobine -

Sigurnost provedbe transakcija.

Jednostavnost i upotrebljivost sustava.

Prošireni alati platforme zbog korištenja tehnologije pametne torbice.

Moguće je pozvati platformu višenamjenski i univerzalni. Ona ima pametnu torbicu koja klijentima omogućuje pohranjivanje po nalogu za razmjenu kriptoznoj valuti ili njezino korištenje za plaćanje. Zahvaljujući realizaciji mobilne aplikacije sudionici mogu brzo i jednostavno izvršavati operacije na kupnju i prodaju.

Tim razvojnih programera

Tim programera predstavlja prave profesionalce od kojih je svaka vrhunska stručna osoba iz područja znanja. Stvoritelje već provjeravaju drugi projekti koji su u tom smislu postali vrlo popularni, moguće je ne sumnjati u stručnost ili iskustvo stručnjaka.

Tokeni projekata

Unutarnji znakovi projekta nazivaju se Gemme Coin ili u skraćenom obliku GMC. On predstavlja korisni token koji se može koristiti unutar platforme i klijenti ih primjenjuju na provedbu platnih operacija.

3 kvartal 2015. -

Razvoj koncepta glasnika. Objavljivanje prvih verzija sustava Android i iOS.

1 kvartal 2016. -

Broj klijenata već je više od 1000.

1 kvartal 2017 -

Broj korisnika projekta dosegao je 10 000.

3 tromjesečje 2017 -

Početak razvoja koncepta platforme na osnovi zabrinutosti.

4 tromjesečje 2017 -

Alfa puštanje na posao.

1 kvartal 2018 -

Razvijanje i puštanje chat broda.

2. tromjesečje 2018. -

Privatna prodaja internih tokena projekta i javne pretprodajne prodaje u okviru provedbe ICO-a. Broj korisnika glasnika dosegao je 5 milijuna. Razvoj i puštanje broda i videochata.

3 tromjesečje 2018 -

Početak javne prodaje internih tokena projekta. Razvoj pametne torbice. Razvoj advertizing platforme.

4 tromjesečje 2018 -

Blokcheinizacija projekta. Daljnji razvoj platforme.

1 kvartal 2019. - 2. tromjesečje 2019. -

Online plaćanje gateway za elektroničku trgovinu.

3 tromjesečje 2019. - četvrto tromjesečje 2019. -

Uvođenje pametne torbice u sustav plaćanja putem gotovinskih kartica. Završetak radova na razvoju globalnog trgovinskog pod.



Razmotrivši značajke mobilne aplikacije za globalni trgovački pod Gem4me Market Space moguće je uvjeriti se da će njegova početna i uspješna realizacija učiniti revoluciju u području trgovine i otvorit će nove mogućnosti kao što su organizacije dobara i usluga te za klijente koji obavljaju prodaju. Zahvaljujući opsežnom akumuliranom iskustvu tima projekta, platforma Gem4me Market Space mora uspješno pokrenuti i razvijati i biti stalno poboljšana da bi pronašla zasluženu popularnost i potražnju među potrošačima. Uvođenje ove platforme otvorit će novu fazu razvoja trgovine u suvremenom svijetu. Mogućnost projekta koji se razmišlja o sitnicama nije izložen sumnji.


WEBSITE: https://ico.marketspace.io/?utm_source=btt&utm_medium=ann_eng
WHITEPAPER: https://ico.marketspace.io/#downloads
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/GemmeMarketSpace/
TWIITER: https://twitter.com/GemMarketSpace
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/gemme_en

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